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New track: Jarama (missing tex)
11-14-2006, 06:13 AM,
New track: Jarama (missing tex)
This track is a whole lot of fun. alexr committed it a few days ago, and it is so good, I think it might be added to the minimal data set for next release. All the friction and bumpiness settings are correct making the sand traps and grass realistic, our second track to use this in the new track system (note...somebody fix this... Wink ).

However there is one little tiny problem. The texture is missing from the track where the car starting spaces are. In the track shot this area is visible and looks like it has oil and skid marks from cars, but in the game, it looks like a lot of big white rectangles before the starting line.
11-14-2006, 06:19 PM,
Re: New track: Jarama (missing tex)
thelusiv Wrote:However there is one little tiny problem. The texture is missing from the track where the car starting spaces are. In the track shot this area is visible and looks like it has oil and skid marks from cars, but in the game, it looks like a lot of big white rectangles before the starting line.

hmm, the texture in question is skid.bmp.png and it was checked in. works fine for me, obviously Smile. it's set to be a transparent blended texture, maybe that's the problem for you.

btw, i just checked it kyalami, that should also be a fun track.

11-14-2006, 06:53 PM,
Alex, wanna try this one?

11-14-2006, 07:02 PM,
reece146 Wrote:Alex, wanna try this one?


building a track from scratch will require a lot more time than i have, unfortunately. so far i've limited myself to converting racer tracks. sorry Sad looks like a fun track though.

11-14-2006, 11:13 PM,
The skid marks work fine for me. What's your texture size set at, thelusiv? This could be a bug in the texture resizing code.
11-14-2006, 11:16 PM,
alex25 Wrote:building a track from scratch will require a lot more time than i have, unfortunately. so far i've limited myself to converting racer tracks. sorry Sad looks like a fun track though.

Me too it seems. I've been plugging away at blender to get my Impreza in the game but it is slow going learning blender plus all the other stuff I have on the go. Sad
11-14-2006, 11:58 PM,
joevenzon Wrote:The skid marks work fine for me. What's your texture size set at, thelusiv? This could be a bug in the texture resizing code.

i just checked on my laptop and the skid marks show us as white rectangles. i am pretty sure there is something wrong with the texture, i'll try to fix it.

11-15-2006, 09:18 AM,
OK, I do have skid.bmp.png and it is installed properly...but I still get white rectangles on the track. Also, Alex, I noticed that you checked in a new track shot for Le Mans. This one also shows up as a white square for me. Maybe this texture has the same problem as skid.bmp.png?

I just played Kyalami last night and it's great! Is this the old version of Kyalami or the one after they redid the track in the early 90's?
11-15-2006, 11:03 AM,
I notice size of skid.bmp.png is 68x132. Lemans track's new trackshot is 256x243. They are not power of 2. Is this the problem?
11-15-2006, 11:59 AM,
rookie1 Wrote:I notice size of skid.bmp.png is 68x132. Lemans track's new trackshot is 256x243. They are not power of 2. Is this the problem?

i think that was the problem. i've fixed the le mans snapshot, and i'll fix the skid texture once i figure out how i managed to do it in the first place. thanks.

11-15-2006, 12:12 PM,
thelusiv Wrote:I just played Kyalami last night and it's great! Is this the old version of Kyalami or the one after they redid the track in the early 90's?

this is the new track layout, the one they used in 1992 and 1993 for the f1 race (and from looking at google maps it still remained the same)

11-15-2006, 12:25 PM,
The track shot for Le Mans works now, and it looks much better than the old one. Thanks! Smile
11-15-2006, 12:31 PM,
thelusiv Wrote:The track shot for Le Mans works now, and it looks much better than the old one. Thanks! Smile
i've fixed the jarama skid marks as well.

11-19-2006, 12:38 AM,
Finally got around to trying this track.

Awesome! I love how being in the grass/dirt has an affect on the car.


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