car data not being found
I am able to run the game now after much compile help from NaN (thanks) but it seems like it is not finding the car data. It seems to be finding the track data but not the car stuff.
I looked in the data directory and compared the car data files to what I see in git and it does seem to all be there. The file & directory permissions look ok too. I guess I could try running vdrift as root to see what happens.
Anyway here is a snippet of my logs from trying to run as regular user:
INFO: Sound initialization information:
INFO: Obtained audio device:
Frequency: 44100
Format: 32784
Bits per sample: 16
Channels: 2
Silence: 0
Samples: 940
Size: 3760
Sound initialization successful
INFO: Loaded fonts successfully
INFO: Loaded GUI successfully
ERROR: force feedback: no suitable x-axis found [src/forcefeedback.cpp:86]
ERROR: Couldn't load spinning car: XS
ERROR: Loading log:, 0.55, 0.17.type not found.
INFO: Loading track from path: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/tracks/paulricard88
INFO: Loaded surfaces file, 6 surfaces.
INFO: Track timing sectors: 2
ERROR:, 0.55, 0.17.type not found.
ERROR: Error loading car: XS
ERROR: Unable to load car XS
ERROR: Couldn't load spinning car: 350Z
ERROR: Loading log:, 0.55, 1.type not found.
ERROR: Couldn't load spinning car: XS
ERROR: Loading log:, 0.55, 0.17.type not found.
ERROR: Couldn't load spinning car: TL2
ERROR: Loading log:, 0.57, 0.35.type not found.
ERROR: Couldn't load spinning car: TC6
ERROR: Loading log:, 0.7, 0.41.type not found.
INFO: Loading track from path: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/tracks/paulricard88
INFO: Loaded surfaces file, 6 surfaces.
INFO: Track timing sectors: 2
ERROR:, 0.7, 0.41.type not found.
ERROR: Error loading car: TC6
ERROR: Unable to load car TC6
INFO: Loading track from path: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data/tracks/monza88
INFO: Loaded surfaces file, 5 surfaces.
INFO: Track timing sectors: 2
ERROR:, 0.7, 0.41.type not found.
ERROR: Error loading car: TC6
ERROR: Unable to load car TC6