We haven't got any music yet, and I'm not sure the state of the actual music playing code. I want to say it may be there but I'm not sure. There's certainly no music included in the game yet though.
I actually would like to play my own music in the game, if this is possible. As you say though, although libvorbis is there, maybe it's not set up to work just yet.
No, not yet... but... what sort of music features would you want? How do you think it should work? Like maybe you put .ogg files in a folder and the game randomly selects one to play during a race?
i think radio stations like the gta games. we can record our own talk radio tracks. haha. and then when you remove your stereo and speakers to reduce weight you can't listen anymore.
either that or have a data/music directory. songs inside are randomly played. but maybe also have a text file in there defining paths to other directories full of music.