Error in "make"
Can you give more output? Specifically, I'm looking for the line that looks like this:g++ -g -O2 -I/usr/include/SDL -D_REENTRANT -o vdrift main.o utility.o font.o backdrop.o quat.o camera.o weather.o keyman.o Car.o Aerodynamic_Device.o Brake.o Clutch.o Contact_Point.o Differential.o Engine.o Exerter.o Frame.o Fuel_Tank.o Gauge.o Gl_Car.o Particle.o Rigid_Body.o Suspension.o Tire.o Transmission.o Wheel.o Inertia_Tensor.o Linear_Interpolator.o Material.o Sample.o Spline.o Three_Matrix.o Three_Vector.o Two_Point.o XML_Parser.o Road_Segment.o Strip_Track.o World.o Drivetrain.o Gl_Texture_Image.o Texture_Image.o model.o vamosworld.o mouse.o messageq.o terrain.o sound.o menu.o timer.o controls.o replay.o particles.o trees.o logo.o gamestate.o objects.o net.o multiplay.o -L/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -lSDL -lpthread -lSDL_image -lSDL_net -lGL -lGLU -lfmod