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differential of rear traction
03-29-2012, 04:59 AM,
differential of rear traction
hi all!
I have a question about the differential parameters...
basically the differential have 2 configurations: open or closed (and more between the 2)
a closed differential means that when the car make a turn, the difference between the rotation of the 2 wheels is little, this is more powerful, more stable on the fast turns but hard to turn in the hairpins and slow turns (is like a kart for example)
the open differential means that when the car make a turn, the difference between the rotation of the wheels is big, this is less powerful, less stable but have a big handling for the hairpins, and the slow turns...

now in VDrift, how can I configure the rear differential to have these 2 situations (these are the limits case...)

04-01-2012, 09:17 AM,
I don't think you can get full lock with current implementation, the same issue as with the clutch.


Implementation is in: void CARDIFFERENTIAL::ComputeWheelTorques(btScalar driveshaft_torque)
04-01-2012, 01:02 PM,
You can do these types of differentials: open, torque sensitive limited slip differentials (fully adjustable), and the more exotic speed sensitive type of limited slip differentials. You can't exactly do fully closed, but you can define a highly speed sensitive differential that will behave like a closed diff.
04-02-2012, 04:09 AM,
thanks, and I read the doc but i've some troubles, can you wrote here the 2 examples of config? open and lock (not very locked, but near the lock?)
04-03-2012, 09:30 AM,
Setting anti-slip = 0.0, anti-slip-torque = 0 should give you a open differential. Anti-slip determines the maximum torque difference between the wheels. Try something like 500-1000 for a locked differential, scale it with engine torque.

Anti-slip-torque scales diff torque with driveshaft torque. You can try anti-slip = 0.0, anti-slip-torque = 1. The maximum diff torque will be equal to driveshaft torque then. You can use anti-slip > 0 to clamp it to a lower value.

It would be cool if we had some test track with low friction surfaces to test the simulation(maybe make the garage track a test track?)

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