Ive been an Ubuntu 8.10 user for a month now, wiped out XP off my system. I'm a racing fan and have competed at one Rally Leage (the ol' Magnetic Fields Rally Championship 2000) and after playing with Torcs decided to go to the next level and do Vdrift.
Of course, installing Torcs is a lot easier than compiling Vdrift, which is the reason why I havent come before. Since I notice that a few other racing games also require to compile I thought it was to at least do this with the first that asked me to do it
The compiling part for me has been difficult, since I have no previous experience with it. I've done some wine installations that require the use of the terminal, but not to the compiling level. I thank Joe and the other posts that were available because without them perhaps I would have taken longer to appear or who knows....
Anyways, game works, its odd... but works. Its funny how HARD is to stop the S2000, in other games the braking distance has been no problem for me but looks like that here is another thing. It will take time and trials and errors to polish that.
I'm also testing, below, if the sig shows my PC systems, I guess it will take the guessing part off those who may try to help me.
Great work btw.