to bake some ambient occlusion maps. They're handy for adding some quick shading to models. It works best if the UV coordinates are mapped such that every point on the model has its own unique location on the UV map. So far I've just done this for the 3S, although because of the UV mapping it doesn't look as good as it could (I might redo the UV mapping when I get a chance).
Okay, SVN R1444 has the new 3S texture with modified UV mapping to make the occlusion mapping really shine. It's pretty nifty looking. You can see, for example, how the rear spoiler now has some shading underneath it.
Also, I realized that there was virtually no ambient lighting on the cars before, and it made them look quite odd. I've implemented a work-around in R1444 that renders the models properly.
The plane that's included by default is rotated so that Y is up. I had to comment out that rotation line. Also, the plane will be at Z=0 so you might have to move the car model temporarily up to do the baking or move the plane down as appropriate.