EDIT: This is now out of date. Use
http://code.google.com/p/vdrift/issues/list instead.
This is a list of things I could work on. The things to work on first are at the top. Just because I have something on this list doesn't mean someone else isn't working on it. I'll try to keep this up to date. This post is unlocked for now, but I might lock it later if it gets too long.
* support for H-gate shifters:
* fix bug with writing replays from 64-bit platforms that crash 32-bit platforms
* create experimental career mode concept
* linear tracks:
* speedo based on output shaft of the transmission (on either wheel would disregard the other drive wheel slipping)
* control profiles
* add back fixed camera placements (will need trackeditor modification?)
* downshifting protection (don't allow downshifts if revs are too high)
* improve reset: move car to center of last road patch
* add ghost car replays back, semi-transparent
* auto ghost replay (start recording a replay after the starting point is passed once. Then after the car passes the starting point the second time, it can begin playing back the replay from the beginning)
* add crash sound, wind sound, engine start sound
* different sound/particles for spinning out grass/sand
* add tire/road contact sound and make it sound different for different materials (including kerb)
* different sounds if inside the car (introduce concept of sound packages?)
* custom gauges in the car dash
* tire wear
* add tire skid marks
* tire smoke based on heating of tire, not just on tire slip
* displacement bitmap for little bumps on tracks (or for big bumps on rally tracks)
* add driver sprite or model
* more camera modes: left, right, front, back
* car parts API
* way to set weather from the menus
* add a car information page to the select car screen
* add a way to embed car configuration and possibly track MD5SUM into replay files
* improve replay menu (manage replays, add API to get replay info (car, track, length, etc)
* recode multiplayer
* headlights
* better tire smoke (that doesn't intrude into the car -- could just draw car over smoke if the camera view is set to inside)
* add autocross support, autocross level editor