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OSM2World support
11-29-2012, 12:13 PM,
OSM2World support

OSM2World is a converter that creates three-dimensional models of the world from OpenStreetMap data.

Sadly it is a Java app. However, the notion of levels created from real roads/landscapes is a potentially limitless world to race in.

Obviously it would be a very large undertaking.
01-09-2013, 11:46 AM,
RE: OSM2World support
Whilst embedding OSM2World is not really feasible... looking into it a bit more, it can easily be used to create .obj files using real world map data - so if you want to create a track for that favourite location of yours, this would be by far the fastest way to get it off the ground.
01-09-2013, 12:49 PM,
RE: OSM2World support
Thanks Charlie, this option makes it much more interesting.

The osm files can be downloaded here:

I am not sure about its limits though. It crashed for me when trying to load bangkok.osm (132MB). The crash was due to some NaN values. What an irony, ha ha!

Will try something smaller later.

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