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Data moving to SVN
04-18-2007, 09:01 PM,
Data moving to SVN
I have started the process of moving VDrift's data to SVN. Developers take note, for a short time this may disrupt things, especially when I remove the data from vdrift SVN, and before I set up a way to easily check out the data with the code. I think for a short time we may just keep a very small data set in the source tree just for testing purposes. I'll probably remove the data from vdrift SVN sometime tonight.

I have already copied the data over to As soon as the data is gone from the source tree, you can get it by doing
cd vdrift
svn up
svn co data
04-19-2007, 05:55 PM,
Alright I just removed all the data from VDrift SVN. It is now in VDrift's SVN repository. I will attempt to set up a way for SVN to auto-grab at least some data, soon. In the meantime you can get the data by checking out the new repository inside your VDrift checkout, as I suggested in the post above, it should work just fine.
04-25-2007, 03:38 AM,
Please let me know if you find you do not have write access to the new data repository. I know there are a few people who don't. I need to know your account, and if you don't have one, then you need to make one.
04-25-2007, 12:40 PM,
hm when will the main svn repository be up again? on a related note, posting comments to stories on the main page seems to be broken (claims something about an SQL error without providing details)
04-27-2007, 01:19 AM,
Sorry I didn't realize it was down again...I think I am going to turn the Trac site off until I have time to properly configure it...done. Hopefully SVN will be more stable this way.
04-30-2007, 04:45 PM,
thelusiv Wrote:Please let me know if you find you do not have write access to the new data repository. I know there are a few people who don't. I need to know your account, and if you don't have one, then you need to make one.

i just created a sourceforge account, alexr25, can you please add it to the access list so i can commit to the repository. the good news is that i just got permission to convert a whole bunch of rFactor tracks (i've already converted most of them for my personal use, i just need to clean them up a bit) so expect a lot of f1 tracks. first one magny-cours.

04-30-2007, 07:28 PM,
Hey Alex, in light of the recent license issue problems could you ask if the author is willing to release them as GPL or not? If they are GPL we can include them with the game, if not they will have to move to the community data collection.

edit: I just added you to the project with (I think) the proper permissions. Please test it out and let me know if it works.
04-30-2007, 08:17 PM,
thelusiv Wrote:could you ask if the author is willing to release them as GPL or not?
wouldn't any OSI-compliant license suffice?
04-30-2007, 08:44 PM,
thelusiv Wrote:Hey Alex, in light of the recent license issue problems could you ask if the author is willing to release them as GPL or not? If they are GPL we can include them with the game, if not they will have to move to the community data collection.

edit: I just added you to the project with (I think) the proper permissions. Please test it out and let me know if it works.

magny-cours is committed. the rFactor tracks were themselves conversions so getting them released under GPL might be a bit of a problem. we'll see.

05-04-2007, 02:18 PM,
Alex, Magny-Cours is yet another very nice track. I like the big sweeper, I can do some really long 3rd gear drifts on it. Thanks for your work on this. Smile

One little issue with the track that I found while playing with the TL2 is that when you drive over the bump strips the car goes nuts, and is sometimes launched into the air and you must leave the game and start a new one...however this didn't happen at all with the Z06. Strange...but this probably has something to do with the shape of the model, the collision system, and the bumpiness setting on the object.
05-04-2007, 04:20 PM,
thelusiv Wrote:One little issue with the track that I found while playing with the TL2 is that when you drive over the bump strips the car goes nuts, and is sometimes launched into the air and you must leave the game and start a new one...however this didn't happen at all with the Z06. Strange...but this probably has something to do with the shape of the model, the collision system, and the bumpiness setting on the object.

i think the problem is with the collision code. i see something similar on other tracks, in particular when two collideable surfaces overlap and (maybe) are close to each other (this is one reason i haven't released albert park, melbourne yet). for melbourne i made one of the surfaces non collideable (works only if you don't expect to drive on that surface) but there are parts where you have the curb on top of the road surface and if you get over the curb the car just starts bouncing around. i keep meaning to look at the collision code but i can never seem to find the time.

05-04-2007, 08:00 PM,
I've tried messing around with the SB, that thing is REALLY affected by what your describing, at first i though "body hitting the ground"
Then i raised the suspension and it got worse!

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