03-31-2007, 10:58 AM,
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Fedora Core 6 - Vdrift crashes at start of race
Vdrift seemingly has installed correctly, the starter icon is under the Games/Simulations pull-down menu and the game starts from there.
The problem is just that when I click on 'Practice Game' or 'Single Race', Vdrift simply goes away and I am back to the desktop.
Any ideas what could cause this? I can change the settings under 'Options' without any trouble, so I don't think that the game isn't installed properly.
Also, is there some kind of log file where I can check what is going wrong?
Thanks in advance for any answers.
03-31-2007, 11:51 AM,
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start it in a terminal, and tell us the output.
03-31-2007, 12:33 PM,
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This is what I got:
BinReloc successfully initialized.
Executable path: /usr/share/games/vdrift/bin/vdrift
Data dir: /usr/share/games/vdrift/data
Localedir: /usr/share/games/vdrift/share/locale
CONFIGFILE.Load: Couldn't find file: /root/.vdrift/VDrift.config
No data_dir found in VDrift.config, using /usr/share/games/vdrift/data
Can't find the settings directory at "/root/.vdrift". Making a new one...
Missing /root/.vdrift/controls file, copying.
Found config file /root/.vdrift/VDrift.config.
No data_dir found in VDrift.config, using /usr/share/games/vdrift/data
Version of game: 2007-03-23
Skin name not found in config file...
Warning: option-47 is missing its default value. Assuming "".
Force feedback device: /dev/input/event0
Force feedback gain: 2
Force feedback inverted: 0
Run with -verbose for troubleshooting.
Run with -nosound to disable sound.
Run with -benchmark to play a replay and output benchmark data.
0 joystick(s) found:
Multitexture: Yes
Texture units: 4
Antialiasing: Yes
Anisotropic texture filtering: Yes
Maximum Anisotropy: 8
Multitexture units (4 are required for all effects): 4
Your GPU meets the texture unit requirements.
Note to user: All error messages will be put in /root/.vdrift/logs/.
03-31-2007, 06:58 PM,
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thelusiv Wrote:Sounds like you're getting the crash from the first autopackage. I just updated the autopackages yesterday to fix this problem. Please see this story and try the minimal package linked there.
Thanks, the minimal worked, but the full package is damaged. I downloaded it twice to make sure, but I couldn't install it.
03-31-2007, 07:52 PM,
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start it in a terminal, and tell us the output.
04-01-2007, 09:32 AM,
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Thanks, I installed the full package and it works!