G25/Pedals - Printable Version

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G25/Pedals - sephff9 - 03-30-2008

Every time I use the analog clutch with the G25, it doesn't seem to work. I keep stalling. Do they even have the Analog clutch implemented correctly yet? Running XP Pro SP2.

- joevenzon - 03-31-2008

I mapped the analog clutch to an axis on my gamepad and it seems to work correctly. You need to make sure you disable the autoclutch and ALSO delete any buttons that are mapped to "Engage Clutch" (it's in the same screen where you assign the "Analog Clutch" control), because that over-rides the analog clutch.

- sephff9 - 03-31-2008

Alright well after screwing with it for awhile I found that my clutch and break are backwards! Disengaging the clutch means pushing the pedal, disengaging the brakes means pressing the brakes. My gas pedal is correct, however. Help anyone? I don't get it the gas calibrated fine but the other two wont. I also found that if I set my gas and brake to the same axis the gas and break work but now the clutch still wont. The clutch is on its own axis and I dunno how to change it.

- sephff9 - 03-31-2008

Fixed it!

- thelusiv - 04-01-2008

I'm guessing that you had to press the pedal in, then click to assign the control, then release the pedal. That makes sense since the control is really "engage clutch" not "disengage clutch". Hmmm, how to make that easier...

- sephff9 - 04-01-2008

Actually I just went into my G25 settings and inverted my clutch axis. Then I set it so Gas/Brake are on the same axis.

- thelusiv - 04-02-2008

Would you mind trying setting your G25 settings back to normal and play around with it some more? Try what I suggested (releasing the pedal to set the clutch axis). Also when you calibrate see if it shows the clutch and brake axes as separate or combined somehow.