original track - jpenguin - 01-28-2007
vDrift REALLY needs a track of it's own, I was thinking along the lines of a combination between swiss stroll http://www.racer-xtreme.com/track.php?tk=61 and polish roads http://forum.rscnet.org/showthread.php?t=259720&highlight=polish+roads
- joevenzon - 01-29-2007
I agree, we do need our own tracks, especially some rally ones so we can try out those game modes... but no one has stepped up, yet. :-) Part of the problem is probably the non-trivial track creation process, but really, the hardest part is just modeling the track in blender. I could take care of the rest if someone else models something in blender.
- jpenguin - 01-30-2007
I'll pester the peple at the racer forum. maby i can get some1 to create a blank track in blender..
- kcid - 01-30-2007
I'm busy creating a nascar style track a normal track a hillclimb track and a rally track, but track creation takes allot more time then cars
- thelusiv - 01-30-2007
kcid, I can't wait to see your tracks. In fact I might be able to contribute a little to them, if you check them into the art repository. I could do track objects, or parts of the road themselves if you like.