The new skin 'x1' - rookie1 - 01-27-2007
I don't know about others. To me the menu background of skin x1 is too distracting. It makes the buttons hard to see.
- joevenzon - 01-27-2007
I agree. It was a first draft (eXperimental 1), and I think I'll change it at some point so that there's just one background graphic per menu and the graphic is in an area where it doesn't overlap buttons.
- yochenhsieh - 04-01-2007
I just used the button png files from the simple menu to replace the buttons in x1... :p
I also modified the corners of button slightly to make it look a little more rounded.
- thelusiv - 04-03-2007
I do wish somebody would change that background, it would be a good skin if they did...