car debugging info - thelusiv - 07-12-2005
It would help ensure that cars are the proper size in the game if there were some way to display their measurements in the game (in meters perhaps?) Also if there was a way to tell how big the wheels are, what size the tires are, etcEither that, or a simple way to convert real world lengths to game units.
car debugging info - joevenzon - 07-12-2005
The measurements are the same as in the blender file (and are in meters). I usually turn on the cursor display in blender (in the view menu somewhere) to get coordinates. That's the best way to do it, because then you can get coordinates for more than just the dimensions (locations for the wheels, where the driver's seat would be, etc).
car debugging info - thelusiv - 07-12-2005
Ah OK, I didn't realize that. In a day or so I'll go back and double-check all my dimensions...