Car Color - Printable Version

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Car Color - slickx - 09-22-2015

i was not sure if here is the right place so put it but here it goes.The car color in menu does not let you choose bright and colorful colors.It seems like when i choose Red and have the saturation full and the brightness full i get a washed red.That has to do with the Brightness parameter i guess...Can you check it?This has been going for quite some time and i would like it fixed if posible.

RE: Car Color - NaN - 09-22-2015

gl3 or gl2 renderer?

Could you upload a screenshot to some image hoster (

One day I need to sit down and update renderer shaders to produce the same image.

RE: Car Color - slickx - 09-22-2015

Only in Gl3 defered happens.
It might be only the problem with the reflection-the way it blends with the color.
In gl2 the colors are ok.
[Image: Xq104fe.jpg]

RE: Car Color - CrystalH - 09-22-2015

I also noticed this and agree.
Color is just not enough saturated, too white.
Maybe it's something with ambient,diffuse balance? IDK what is changed with car color.

RE: Car Color - NaN - 09-23-2015

(09-22-2015, 04:38 PM)slickx Wrote: Only in Gl3 defered happens.
It might be only the problem with the reflection-the way it blends with the color.
In gl2 the colors are ok.

Thanks. Could you also upload your VDrift.config (C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\VDrift\VDrift.config)? I forgot to ask for it yesterday.

RE: Car Color - slickx - 09-23-2015

sorry for doing it like this.

autoclutch = true
autotrans = true
button_ramp = 10
mousegrab = true
speed_sens_steering = 1

FOV = 45
anisotropic = 4
antialiasing = 4
bloom = true
camerabounce = 1
camerafov = 45
contrast = 1.00186
debug_info = false
fullscreen = true
hud = Hud
input_graph = false
language = en
lighting = 2
motionblur = true
mph = true
normalmaps = true
particles = 512
racingline = false
reflections = 2
renderer = gl3/deferred.conf
resolution = 1920,1080
shadow_distance = 2
shadow_quality = 2
shadows = true
show_fps = false
show_hud = true
skin = simple
sky_dynamic = false
sky_time = 17
sky_time_speed = 1
texture_compress = true
texture_size = large
trackmap = true
view_distance = 2500
vsync = false
zdepth = 24

ai_level = 1
antilock = true
camera_id = 4
car = Spd/Spd
car_color_hue = 0.106481
car_color_sat = 0.994792
car_color_val = 0.794312
car_paint = default
car_tire = tire/touring.tire
car_wheel = default
cars_num = 3
number_of_laps = 1
record = true
reverse = false
selected_replay = 09-22-23-51-ruudskogen.vdr
track = ruudskogen
track_dynamic = false
traction_control = true
vehicle_damage = false

calibrated = false
device_type = joystick
ff_device = /dev/input/event0
ff_gain = 1
ff_invert = false
hgateshifter = false
two_hundred = false

attenuation_exponent = -0.231374
attenuation_offset = -0.28843
attenuation_scale = 0.914607
attenuation_shift = 0.272928
music_volume = 0.5
sources = 64
volume = 0.5

you can delete this after you see it