Convert track from Rfactor - asasinuxp - 04-15-2011
How I can convert a track from Rfactor?
- NaN - 04-18-2011
Try to find a way to get it into Blender. I think 3DSimED supports loading and export of the rfactor files.
- asasinuxp - 04-18-2011
Yes,I've tried that,best format for export it was direct x files(.x),but now I cannot import more files into blender,the track it have 1044 objects,I cannot import all by hand.
- NaN - 04-18-2011
Is there no way to export the track as a single x file? 3ds should work too.
- asasinuxp - 04-18-2011
If I export as a single x file,all meshes have the same texture,if I export as 3ds some meshes does not have textures,and the objects are more little.
- NaN - 04-18-2011
You need to set the size constraint to zero if you want to keep the original object size. Don't know how to address the missing textures issue.
- asasinuxp - 04-18-2011
Yea,I did it!"8:3 texture name",this was the problem.Now I will need to send a email to autor to ask about permision for conversion.
- asasinuxp - 04-18-2011
Now,what's next?I've tried to export the track to trk format,the file was too small.What are the steps for converting a track?
- NaN - 04-18-2011
The trk importer/exporter is to be able to load track roads into blender. I know the file extension is somewhat misleading. You can only export imported roads atm. A road consists of a number of patches. Each patch is defined by 16 control points. But ignore them for now.
What you want to do is to export a jpk. See
- NaN - 04-18-2011
The next step will be to load the track into track-editor an to set at least one start position. You could do it manually of course. Copy a track.txt from a vdrift track and adjust the positions. Use a surfaces.txt from one of the vdrift tracks.
Then you should be able to load the track into vdrift.
- asasinuxp - 04-18-2011
I've export as .jpk,but when I import,I get this: "cone0264_polekup not in list.txt",and that object is in list.txt,for example. jpk file: ,what's wrong here?
- NaN - 04-18-2011
That is odd. This should only happen with old jpk where the object is in the file but was removed from the list. Are you using the latest, I can not import your jpk at all. How big is the blend + textures?
- asasinuxp - 04-18-2011
NaN Wrote:That is odd. This should only happen with old jpk where the object is in the file but was removed from the list. Are you using the latest, I can not import your jpk at all. How big is the blend + textures? Yes,the last import/export script.The blend file have 95 mb.A archive with the blend:
- NaN - 04-18-2011
OK, the exporter didn't add .joe to mesh names. Fixed in the latest
There is another issue with mesh normals. I am looking into it.
You have to extract the textures and convert them from dds to png. And update the list.txt to point to the png versions: ->
- asasinuxp - 04-18-2011
NaN Wrote:You have to extract the textures and convert them from dds to png. And update the list.txt to point to the png versions: -> Or .dds replace all with .png using notepad2.