show ai speed/gear - flo - 09-04-2009
is there a possibility to show not only the human drivers speed etc., but also the ai drivers actual speed and gear in the players window.
- joevenzon - 09-06-2009
So I understand properly... are you asking how to modify the VDrift code to make the AI driver info show on the HUD instead of the players?
- flo - 09-07-2009
Not to show it instead, to show it additionally (if that's possible).
I'm trying to set the AI drivers control with mathemtically optimized control data (see http// ) and I want to check if my input data arrives correctly.
- joevenzon - 09-09-2009
Changing the HUD to display the AI data instead is pretty easy, you just need to move the hud.Update call in game.cpp out of the "if (carcontrols_local.first == &car)" block and put it in an "else" block for that if statement. Outputting AI data in addition to the player data would require more significant changes to hud.h and hud.cpp as well as how game.cpp calls hud.Update.
- flo - 09-14-2009
Thanks, changing the HUD display worked.