problem with the sky in Virginia Track - chrpapas - 02-23-2009
I don't know if this is actually a bug but i noticed, that in Virginia track the graphics of the sky seem to be more like a theatrical scenery.What i mean is that in that specific track you can see a white space above the sky.
- thelusiv - 02-25-2009
This is not a code bug, this is an issue with a track (data). I have moved your thread to Cars & Tracks because of this and please stop re-posting it in Bugs.
- chrpapas - 02-25-2009
Ok thanks!Sorry for reposting this bug but since i wasn't seeing it in the posted bugs i thought that something went wrong.It won't happen again.
- joevenzon - 02-25-2009
I'm not sure why some of the original track authors didn't bother to put a top on their skies.