car malfunction - bum9087 - 02-04-2009
hey i downloaded all the cars for vdrift and put them i the folder but when i played they look like the tires arnt even in the wheel wells..... the back tires are on the left and the front on the right....... this happened on all but a few cars..... can anyone help me
- joevenzon - 02-04-2009
What version of VDrift are you using?
- bum9087 - 02-16-2009
the mac version
- thelusiv - 02-16-2009
More specifically, what release of VDrift are you using, 2008-08-05? Or an earlier one?
- bum9087 - 02-16-2009
- joevenzon - 02-16-2009
The coordinate system changed since the 08-05-08 release, so if you use the latest car data with them they will look wrong. Try the newest release... there's a test version for mac in this thread:
- bum9087 - 02-16-2009
i cant get it open