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What vdrift does not do good is Shift down gears.Meaning if i am in lets say 4th gear and going into a corner,the speed decrease as i brake but the gears dont change down only if i do it manually.I was intrigued by this and my method was to assign gear 1 to a button and hit it right when i know i needed to be in a lower gear and vdrift than switched to the right gear.

Also when the car is on the ground and speed = 0 it should have all wheels brake activated and when you hold acceleration than that brake be released instantly.
Yeah, the shift point algorithm is not exactly clever. I'd love to try a different approach (minimum distance between torque curves) just didn't really have the time.
Nan can you explain how the game knows the mass of the whole car? because i would like to set that too
Does adding Mass to wheels affect the way the car is working? (from my testing does not show to be changing anything )
(10-03-2014, 07:13 AM)slickx Wrote: [ -> ]Nan can you explain how the game knows the mass of the whole car? because i would like to set that too
Does adding Mass to wheels affect the way the car is working? (from my testing does not show to be changing anything )

Default wheel mass and moment of inertia is calculated from wheel dimensions. You can override it with you own mass value.

The total mass is the sum of all masses in car file + the calculated wheel masses (if you don't override them).

To see current mass you should enable the debug option:
vdrift -debug

On windows:
Right click vdrift.exe -> Create Shortcut
Right click the created shortcut and add debug parameter: Properties -> Target: <path>\vdrift.exe -debug
Start the game using the shortcut

I'll upload a new build soon (tomorrow) that allows to enable debug info from the GUI.

We really need a better way to provide car (mass, power, etc) and track (length, type) info.
Here is the latest build with Options/Display/Debug Info option added:

It is meant to be copied over vdrift-2014-09-26 installation (have been too lazy to do a standalone variant Cool ).
Hey guys ! is it posible to use this open source renderer for vDrift?
I think will change the way vDrift looks .
Really awesome renderer. I did not know it. I have no idea about these things, but I guess doing this job must not be easy at all, although it would really be impressive.