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How do I get VDrift?

I tried . Ubuntu Software Centre told me not found.
If you're having trouble getting the ubuntu package from the playdeb link, you'll have to ask them at their website. We don't put together those packages.

If you want to try compiling from source, here's how:
Thank you joevenzon for giving the information..
Basically I have also same problem.
(02-10-2012, 09:07 AM)gwb Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you joevenzon for giving the information..
Basically I have also same problem.

Sorry for rezzing an old thread, but this issue is typically resolved by adding PlayDeb as a repository. You can find out how to at It is quite simple. Hope this helps someone out...

Also, you can do it manually:

Go to System-Administration-Software Sources, Third-Party Software tab, Add:
deb precise-getdeb games

Add the repository GPG key, open a terminal window and type:
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Click the "Install this now" button below the screenshot of the desired game.

After this, run this in your teminal:
sudo apt-get update

Should work for you now!