
Full Version: My clutch works backwards.
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I have an old thrustmaster wheel and pedals. I haven't used it for about 5 years. I have to press the pedal to let the clutch out, and release the pedal to engage the clutch. I am preparing to install the new version with auto clutch so it may not be a big deal, but are there any ideas why this is backwards? when I do the control config it shows up as the negative part of axis 3. It is possible that pedal is borked, because I don't see the value change when I press it, but the pedal does do something in the game. Anyway, this is just the game I have been waiting for under linux for, well, about 5 years. Thanks!
Are you using the analog clutch control? It is mostly untested because i don't have an analog clutch. however, you may be able to get it to work by using the D key on this control entry to flip it from - to +. Or is it only on the - axis? If you run a new game in VDrift and press the J key (turn on Joystick Info screen) what do you see when you move the axis?