friction forces - alex25 - 02-21-2010
something really strange is happening with the friction forces (i think). if i drive through a sand trap the engine stays unresponsive even when i get back to a normal surface (i would expect the car to start accelerating once i am out of the gravel). if i stop the car and then try to accelerate then the car behaves normally again. i saved a session that illustrates this, you can get it from
also the url tag doesn't seem to work in messages any more.
- joevenzon - 02-22-2010
The url tag was getting used by spammers so I just nuked it. You can still post links, just don't put any [url] tags around them. They'll get automatically turned into links.
- NaN - 02-22-2010
It is related to my wheel forces rewrite. I tried to solve it last night but failed. Rolled back to previous implementation until I understand the problem better.
- NaN - 02-23-2010
There is definitely a bug in forces calculation. I tested it down to rev 2535. So it is not related to current modifications. It is most noticeable with the 360. Disable autoshift/autoclutch and start a practice session. Bring the car to a full stop. Release the brakes. The car is going to accelerate slowly.