Things that worked before but now don't - Printable Version

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Re: Things that worked before but now don't - joevenzon - 08-03-2007

alex25 Wrote:while the skyboxes do stay away now, the track objects are not being drawn until the skybox has moved past them.

Okay, this should be fixed in R1794 now. Let me know if it isn't.

Re: Things that worked before but now don't - alex25 - 08-04-2007

joevenzon Wrote:
alex25 Wrote:while the skyboxes do stay away now, the track objects are not being drawn until the skybox has moved past them.

Okay, this should be fixed in R1794 now. Let me know if it isn't.

looks like that did the trick. thanks.


Re: Things that worked before but now don't - alex25 - 08-07-2007

alex25 Wrote:
joevenzon Wrote:
alex25 Wrote:while the skyboxes do stay away now, the track objects are not being drawn until the skybox has moved past them.

Okay, this should be fixed in R1794 now. Let me know if it isn't.

looks like that did the trick. thanks.

i take it back. the problem is still there (but not as bad) and it's similar to the problem i am having with imola. the background kind of bleeds through and objects don't get rendered until i get closer to them:
[Image: shot045.jpg]
[Image: shot046.jpg]


- joevenzon - 08-08-2007

Hum, well can you do the following:
* load up laguna seca
* go into free camera mode (F6)
* make sure the camera is level
* press the insert key above the arrow keys

and let me know whether or not any objects disappear for you? For me, the backdrop stays the backdrop no matter how far away I go, and nothing disappears.

Your embedded images aren't loading at the moment... which tracks are you seeing the issues on besides imola?

- alex25 - 08-08-2007

joevenzon Wrote:Your embedded images aren't loading at the moment... which tracks are you seeing the issues on besides imola?
it was barcelona. i'll reboot my computer soon.


- alex25 - 08-08-2007

joevenzon Wrote:Hum, well can you do the following:
* load up laguna seca
* go into free camera mode (F6)
* make sure the camera is level
* press the insert key above the arrow keys

and let me know whether or not any objects disappear for you? For me, the backdrop stays the backdrop no matter how far away I go, and nothing disappears.

Your embedded images aren't loading at the moment... which tracks are you seeing the issues on besides imola?

the difference is that at laguna seca the horizon is big enough to encompass the whole track. go to barcelona, for example, where the track is bigger than the horizon and you will see that the horizon is not drawn in the background but instead it intersects the track:

[Image: shot047.jpg]

the computer is back up, so you should be able to see the pictures.


- joevenzon - 08-08-2007

Alright, I think I *really* fixed this now. :-)


- alex25 - 08-09-2007

joevenzon Wrote:Alright, I think I *really* fixed this now. :-)


looks like the horizon is finally being drawn in the background. i'll check in imola soon.


- gianni - 08-09-2007

Hi all!
When I make:
# ./build/vdrift -test
I get:
TOTAL: 15/15 = 100% PASS
Segmention fault (core dumped)
and the file ~/.vdrift/controls.config become an empty file
This is my platform:
Ubuntu 7.04 i386
AMD Turion64
ATI xPress 200M
1 GB of RAM


- joevenzon - 08-16-2007

gianni Wrote:# ./build/vdrift -test
I get:
TOTAL: 15/15 = 100% PASS
Segmention fault (core dumped)

Fixed R1810

- joevenzon - 08-16-2007

kidrock Wrote:The wheel well came off of the car.

I can't make that happen... can you try again with the latest SVN and see if it's fixed?

- xTs - 08-25-2007

addition to the car rotating out of nowhere bug:

shot 66 to 76.

All screenshots are made in a row. And i just saw this strange behaviour on Road Atlanta. Maybe related with the track somehow.

- kidrock - 08-26-2007

hey guys just got back from malta about 3 hours ago. my uncle is interested so we may have a windows developer. nice work with the bug fixes. looks good. stilll need to test more though. will do lots more work in about a week. see ya later guys!!

- kidrock - 08-27-2007

Forgot to ask in my last post (was a little sleepy) once i find a fix to the 3s how do i commit to the svn? never got a straight forward answer on this and couldn't find it on the wiki. thanks. (i want a little pin also!) Big Grin Big Grin

- thelusiv - 08-28-2007

I've noticed lately that the tire squeal noise does not seem to play anymore.