Test build 2014-07-20 - Printable Version

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Test build 2014-07-20 - NaN - 07-20-2014

Another vertex code rewrite test round ( eventually final Smile ).

Grab files from here:

Linux: vdrift-2014-07-20.tar.bz2
Unpack, run scons, run ./debug/vdrift (no need to run install)

Windows: vdrift-win32-2014-07-20.7z
Unpack, compare frame rates of vdrift.exe and vdrift1.exe.
In case of crashes try vdriftd.exe, vdriftd1.exe.

For testing select gl3 deferred renderer.

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - GunChleoc - 07-21-2014

All 4 versions crash at startup, deleting the config file doesn't help. After deleting the config file, no new config file was written.
System: Windows 7, 64 bit.

Log file:

INFO: Starting VDrift: development-full, Revision: latest, O/S: Windows
INFO: Home directory: C:\Users\<user>
INFO: Settings file: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\VDrift/VDrift.config
INFO: Data directory: data
INFO: Temporary directory: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\VDrift/tmp
INFO: Log file: C:\Users\Beatrice\<user>\Roaming\VDrift/log.txt
INFO: The last VDrift startup was unsuccessful.
Settings have been set to failsafe defaults.
Your original VDrift.config file was backed up to VDrift.config.backup
INFO: Disabling antialiasing
INFO: Using GLEW 1.7.0
INFO: Video card information:
GL Vendor: Intel
GL Renderer: Intel® HD Graphics Family
GL Version: 3.0.0 - Build
Texture units: 16
Maximum texture size: 4096

INFO: Maximum anisotropy: 16
INFO: Maximum color attachments: 8
INFO: Maximum draw buffers (1 required): 8
INFO: Renderer: data/shaders/gl2/basic.conf
INFO: 0 joysticks found.
INFO: Loading car controls from: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\VDrift/controls.config
INFO: Update status file C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\VDrift/updates.config will be created
INFO: Update status file C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\VDrift/updates.config will be created
INFO: Sound initialization information:
INFO: Obtained audio device:
Frequency: 44100
Format: 32784
Bits per sample: 16
Channels: 2
Silence: 0
Samples: 2048
Size: 8192
Sound initialization successful
INFO: Loaded fonts successfully
INFO: Loaded GUI successfully

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - NaN - 07-22-2014

@GunChleoc did vdrift_d_vao.exe from previous test build work for you?

I've tested on AMD and Nvidia hardware running Windows 7 x64, without any issues.

I've got an old Intel machine here supporting OpenGL 2.1 and it crashes due to buggy driver. I somehow hoped Intel would have fixed it in later drivers.

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - slickx - 07-22-2014

For me only Vdrift worked perfectly.the others were laggy but still worked. Pc : Intel Quad Core 2400 Ghz Video: Nvidia Geforce Gtx 560

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - NaN - 07-22-2014

(07-22-2014, 11:53 AM)slickx Wrote: For me only Vdrift worked perfectly.the others were laggy but still worked. Pc : Intel Quad Core 2400 Ghz Video: Nvidia Geforce Gtx 560

Would be great to get some numbers from vdrift.exe vs vdrift1.exe

Create two text files vdrift.bat and vdrift1.bat in vdrift folder.

vdrift.bat should contain:
vdrift.exe -profiling -dumpfps

vdrift1.bat should contain:
vdrift1.exe -profiling -dumpfps

Run (double click) vdrift.bat and post the C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\VDrift\log.txt here.

Then run vdrift1.bat and also post its log.txt.

It should look like this:

Optionally, you can also make some screen shots of the real-time profiling data displayed... Smile

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - CrystalH - 07-23-2014

Well, works ok but on gl2, due to:

INFO: Loading data/shaders/gl3/deferred.conf...
INFO: Loaded data/shaders/gl3/deferred.conf
ERROR: Unable to compile shader deferredaa.frag from file data/shaders/gl3/deferredaa.frag:
0(909) : error C7532: global function textureGather requires "#version 400" or later
0(909) : error C0000: ... or #extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable
0(910) : error C7532: global function textureGatherOffset requires "#version 400" or later
0(910) : error C0000: ... or #extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable

ERROR: Initialization of GL3 renderer failed; that's OK, falling back to GL 1 or 2

This is log from vdrift.exe
and from vdrift1.exe

Win7 64bit, i7 2600K, GTX 560 Ti, I've set nearly all options to max.

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - NaN - 07-23-2014

(07-23-2014, 10:33 AM)CrystalH Wrote: Well, works ok but on gl2, due to:

INFO: Loading data/shaders/gl3/deferred.conf...
INFO: Loaded data/shaders/gl3/deferred.conf
ERROR: Unable to compile shader deferredaa.frag from file data/shaders/gl3/deferredaa.frag:
0(909) : error C7532: global function textureGather requires "#version 400" or later
0(909) : error C0000: ... or #extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable
0(910) : error C7532: global function textureGatherOffset requires "#version 400" or later
0(910) : error C0000: ... or #extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable

ERROR: Initialization of GL3 renderer failed; that's OK, falling back to GL 1 or 2

This is log from vdrift.exe
and from vdrift1.exe

Win7 64bit, i7 2600K, GTX 560 Ti, I've set nearly all options to max.

Jeez, that stupid shader from Nvidia, that works fine on AMD and Intel but fails on their own cards. I am not sure I can fix it, looked at it once and didn't really like what I saw.

The only workaround for now is to change "#version 130" to "#version 400" in deferredaa.frag.

Another approach would be to add
#ifdef GL_ARB_gpu_shader5
#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable

Not sure about the consequences yet.

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - CrystalH - 07-23-2014

Right. So both solutions work and I see gl3 used.
Nothing crashes, I still got all settings at max, just AA at 0.
The only difference between vdrift1 is only seen in log.
So, using #version 400, vdrift.exe
INFO: Profiling summary:
      ai: 0.762368 %
      car: 0.171276 %
      physics: 3.45316 %
      render draw: 50.6365 %
      render setup: 0.891035 %
      render sync: 39.265 %
      scenegraph: 0.107861 %
      sound: 0.0135081 %
Using that #ifdef block, vdrift.exe
INFO: Profiling summary:
      ai: 1.26186 %
      car: 0.260083 %
      physics: 5.25692 %
      render draw: 32.9256 %
      render setup: 1.18507 %
      render sync: 54.6134 %
      scenegraph: 0.133541 %
      sound: 0.0166932 %
Using #version 400, vdrift1.exe
INFO: Profiling summary:
      ai: 1.2202 %
      car: 0.236257 %
      physics: 4.83391 %
      render draw: 86.2108 %
      render setup: 0.984074 %
      render sync: 0.103944 %
      scenegraph: 0.447483 %
      sound: 0.0168334 %
Using #ifdef block, vdrift1.exe
INFO: Profiling summary:
      ai: 1.01938 %
      car: 0.231233 %
      physics: 4.75602 %
      render draw: 85.6062 %
      render setup: 0.939689 %
      render sync: 0.105508 %
      scenegraph: 0.432001 %
      sound: 0.016031 %
I see nothing in profiling txt on screen, since all are microseconds.
Only difference is that vdrift1 spends time in draw and not in sync, if I get this right.
In game looks so:
is that ok ? For me contrast seems to be too high, track too bright, shadows too dark and cars somehow dull/dark too.

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - NaN - 07-23-2014

@CrystalH what are the fps for vdrift1 vs vdrift

That 85% draw times are pretty crazy, wouldn't have expected them from Nvidia. Seems like their glDrawRangeElements, which I am using, is broken or hitting some fallback path.

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - CrystalH - 07-23-2014

Fps is 60 for both, all I see in log is:
INFO: Current FPS: 59.2
or sometimes
INFO: Current FPS: 59.6
I didn't ever see any drop below 60 in game, so no difference between vdrift1 and vdrift.

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - NaN - 07-23-2014

(07-23-2014, 04:36 PM)CrystalH Wrote: Fps is 60 for both, all I see in log is:
INFO: Current FPS: 59.2
or sometimes
INFO: Current FPS: 59.6
I didn't ever see any drop below 60 in game, so no difference between vdrift1 and vdrift.

60fps sounds like vsync to 60Hz by driver? You can verify it by reducing resolution/graphics settings. You should easily get over 60 fps.

I think I have an idea about what is going on. We have a lot of small objects having few thousand vertices each. Nvidia might try to be extra clever and convert indices from 32 to 16 bit on each call. While AMD and Intel don't really care.

I'll upload a new build which uses glDrawElements instead, without providing range hints.

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - CrystalH - 07-24-2014

I was wondering why is there no VSync option in Gui. It behaves like it was always on. Doesn't go over 60 with lower options.

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - NaN - 07-24-2014

@CrystalH There is no vsync because it is not implemented.

One would have to write separate code for Linux/Mac/Win from my understanding. And it seems that nVidia prefers to vsync OpenGL applications while AMD and Intel don't.

I've been able to test the game on a machine with a GeForce 310M. It vsynced to 30Hz even if I tried to disable it in nVidia settings panel, which kinda sucks for benchmarking. I had 27-31 fps for all tested executables,

The percentage numbers in the log can be deceiving, need to check how they are calculated some day. I've been able to get 70-80% for render draw by racing for a longer period (about a minute and more). Shorter tests would produce lower percentage values towards 40%. I think it would be better to log the running average times instead, like dumpfps does.

I have to correct myself, there seems to be a SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval function we could use for vsync, assuming it works for nVidia cards. Dodgy

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - GunChleoc - 07-24-2014

(07-22-2014, 08:51 AM)NaN Wrote: @GunChleoc did vdrift_d_vao.exe from previous test build work for you?
No, although it seems to get a bit further. I can see the loading bar going up before I get the white screen and the crash.


INFO: Starting VDrift: development-full, Revision: latest, O/S: Windows
INFO: Home directory: C:\Users\Beatrice
INFO: Settings file: C:\Users\Beatrice\AppData\Roaming\VDrift/VDrift.config (does not exist, will be created)
INFO: Data directory: data
INFO: Temporary directory: C:\Users\Beatrice\AppData\Roaming\VDrift/tmp
INFO: Log file: C:\Users\Beatrice\AppData\Roaming\VDrift/log.txt
ERROR: Failed to load C:\Users\Beatrice\AppData\Roaming\VDrift/VDrift.config
INFO: Disabling antialiasing
INFO: Using GLEW 1.7.0
INFO: Video card information:
GL Vendor: Intel
GL Renderer: Intel® HD Graphics Family
GL Version: 3.0.0 - Build
Texture units: 16
Maximum texture size: 4096

ERROR: Graphics card or driver does not support required GL_VERSION_3_3
ERROR: Initialization of GL3 failed.
INFO: Maximum anisotropy: 16
INFO: Maximum color attachments: 8
INFO: Maximum draw buffers (1 required): 8
INFO: Initialized render output: full_scene_depth (FBO)
INFO: Initialized render output: full_scene_color (FBO)
INFO: Initialized render output: normal_xy (FBO)
INFO: Initialized render output: material_properties (FBO)
INFO: Initialized render output: diffuse_albedo (FBO)
INFO: Renderer: data/shaders/gl2/deferred.conf
INFO: 0 joysticks found.
INFO: Loading car controls from: C:\Users\Beatrice\AppData\Roaming\VDrift/controls.config
INFO: Update status file C:\Users\Beatrice\AppData\Roaming\VDrift/updates.config will be created
INFO: Update status file C:\Users\Beatrice\AppData\Roaming\VDrift/updates.config will be created
INFO: Sound initialization information:
INFO: Obtained audio device:
Frequency: 44100

RE: Test build 2014-07-20 - NaN - 07-25-2014

(07-24-2014, 06:44 PM)GunChleoc Wrote:
(07-22-2014, 08:51 AM)NaN Wrote: @GunChleoc did vdrift_d_vao.exe from previous test build work for you?
No, although it seems to get a bit further. I can see the loading bar going up before I get the white screen and the crash.

Thanks. I think it is the same issue as I am seeing with my Intel test system. I'll try another workaround in the next build.